⚠️Please note that it is no longer to possible to add a new course on the iOS and Android apps in the Classic Memrise experience. To learn more content, switch over to the new Memrise now using these instructions.
To switch between the courses you are learning or locate a specific course, please follow the instructions below.
On the Android and iOS apps
1. On the app's Home tab, tap the menu icon in the top left corner. On iOS, tap the course title.
On the website
- Log in on a computer and visit your Dashboard at app.memrise.com/home
- On your Homepage/Dashboard, you can scroll through all the courses you are currently learning
- You can click on the menu in the top right corner to filter them by All Courses, With Goal Set, Teaching and By Category/Language
- Click on the suggested activity or on the button with the grid of dots to continue learning
- If you wish, you can also search for more courses by following these instructions