To request a copy of your personal data, please log in on web and visit Settings > Download Personal Data. Then, select Request New File. Your request will be processed within 48 hours. You will receive an email when your file has been created and is ready to download.
After receiving the email, go to and click on the link to download a copy of your personal data. An .html file will be downloaded - you can open and read this file with any web browser.
Some of the data provided may include:
- Attribution: these are analytics records about how you found Memrise (e.g., whether you clicked an ad on Facebook or Google Play Store, or you found Memrise by your own means, etc.).
- Chat Sessions: Chat sessions are a type of quiz you did on Memrise. The file contains the chat sessions you completed.
- Learning Sessions: Learning sessions are a type of test you did on Memrise. The file contains the learning sessions you completed.
- Subscribed Courses: These are the courses you were subscribed to while using Memrise
Please see our Privacy Policy for further information regarding:
- The purposes for which we process this data;
- To whom it is disclosed;
- The safeguards in place; and
- Your additional rights in relation to it