You can delete your Memrise account by signing in on the website with your username and password and visiting this page:
If you are using the iOS app, go to 👤 Profile > ⚙️ Settings > Delete Account.
⚠️ Please note you cannot currently delete your account on the Memrise Android mobile app. To do so, please log in on the website and follow the above instructions.
- If you signed up via Google and you don't have a password to enter in the relevant field, you can reset it by following this link or by clicking on 'I forgot my password!' on the login page on web or in the app.
- If you signed up via Apple, please follow these instructions first to change your email address to log in on the website.
To assure the highest level of data protection, deleting your account will delete all personal identifiable information linked with the account.
⚠️ Please note that deleting your account will not cancel any active subscriptions. Before deleting your account, please ensure you have cancelled your membership's autorenewal.
Having trouble with this? Reach out to the Support team here using the email you used to sign up.