What is a Database?
Course Databases are 'spreadsheets' where course creators can store items that are learnt in their courses. 'Items' can mean words and definitions, as well as phrases, pictures or audio files. We advise adding items to databases rather than the course itself, as this makes it easier to manage words and phrases in the longterm.
How can I create my first Database?
To add your first database, go to your course and click Edit Course in the right hand corner. Click Add level in the bottom left corner of your first level, then +Add Level.
A Database tab will then be added to the top of your course.
How can I create additional Databases?
To create another Database, click on the Databases tab at the top of the course and click +Add New.
You will be asked to name the database and given the option to use a wiki. When you add an individual item to a database using a wiki, Memrise will look for it in our central dictionaries and if it exists, you can choose to add it to your course's database. If it doesn't exist, you can enter your own item, as well as its definition/translation, one or more audio files to go with it, and images.
It's important to note that databases are unique to each course. They cannot be shared or reused in other courses. Please also note that if you enter new sets of items, or modify the ones that were pre-existent, they will not affect nor be added to our central dictionaries.
The settings of what is displayed and what is tested are done on the levels, not on the database. The database is the store of all of the information about every item in the course. The levels are where those items are arranged by course creators into a learnable format.