Unfortunately, since community-created courses and mems are user-generated, they can sometimes contain inappropriate images or text, which are not endorsed by Memrise. We apologise for any inappropriate content you may find and appreciate you taking the time to bring it to our attention.
If you found any inappropriate content on Memrise (e.g., profile pictures, usernames, course content/items, or inappropriate mems), please submit a request (please select Feedback and feature request in the drop-down menu > Category: Report inappropriate content) and provide the following details:
- The link to the username, or the link to the course and level, where the inappropriate content was found
- If you can't provide any links, please send us as many details as you can to help us locate the content (e.g., username(s), the name of the course, level and item)
- For Mems, please let us know which course, level and item the inappropriate mem appears on
- You can also attach screenshots of the content to help us locate it faster
Once we receive the report, we will investigate and take appropriate actions.
You can read more about what kind of content constitutes as "Inappropriate Content' in our Terms of Use.