Multimedia levels are essentially the non-fact-learning levels. That is to say, they are the levels that do not draw from any of the course databases.
Please note: Multimedia levels will not show in the apps - i.e., if 'Level 1' is a multimedia level and 'Level 2' is a 'regular' level, 'Level 2' will appear as 'Level 1' in the app.
Multimedia levels can be slideshows, videos, audio clips or just plain text.
Multimedia levels are there to answer two main needs:
1. If questions are occurring in the learners' minds, a well-timed, easily digestible slideshow or video explanation can give delightful enlightenment. These should aim to be as short as possible - no more than 80 characters per slide is a good rule to stick to - and to explain no more than is needed at any given time.
2. Once people have started to learn some more words, a multimedia level - perhaps a short video clip or audio recording or maybe a slideshow telling a story in text - can be an amazing tool to reward the user's hard work. Few things are as exhilarating and motivating as watching a video in a foreign language and realising that you suddenly understand it. The same is true of any new thing that you learn: realising that the facts that you have learnt are allowing you to perceive the world more richly and more deeply is a gorgeous pleasure. As a course creator, it is your duty and your privilege to give people that pleasure!
To create a Multimedia level, click on Add level in a course, and select Multimedia; scroll to the bottom of your course to see that a new level has been added.
You can add videos, images or other media to a multimedia level - to do so, simply:
- Copy the URL of videos, images or other media (e.g., from Youtube)
- Paste it in the box making sure you use the following rules:
• for images - add img: before the URL (e.g., img:
• for Youtube videos - add embed: before the URL (e.g., embed:
To make text bold, surround it with '**', e.g., 'do **not** play with fire' - Remember to click both 'Save' and 'Save and continue'.