Course creators can record or upload audio files for each item in the database for their course. At this moment, the option to bulk upload audio files is not available. To upload audio files, go to the 'Edit' page for your course, click 'Databases' and then select the database that you wish to add audio to.
Please note: if you can't see the Database button, you'll have to add a new level first. Click 'Add Level' at the top left corner.
In your Database, click on 'Add Column' and then tick the Audio option:
Once the column has been added you will be able to upload or record audio files.
You can upload .mp3 files, and you can add multiple files for each item (e.g., the same word or sentence pronounced by different people (male/female), or with different accents). If you choose to test from the audio on a level, then Memrise will choose randomly one of the files toplay in the test.
You can also create your own audio by clicking on 'Record'. This tool is optimised for Google Chrome, so you may have trouble using it in other browsers. Click on the 🔴 record button, then click on ⏹ Stop when you're done. You can check the recording by clicking the ▶️ arrow button. Don't forget to click 'Next' to save your recording.