As part of our continued changes and improvements to the Memrise website and mobile experiences, in November 2021 we announced we'd be fully removing access to mems by mid-June 2022.
We're now officially scheduling the removal of mems for Monday 5th September 2022.
For the original announcement of this decision and further information on the rationale behind this change, please refer to this thread on our forum.
Here are answers to some of the questions you may have about this change.
What will change for me?
We’re removing the ability to view, create and edit mems across all our platforms, with the following deadlines:
- Mems will be fully retired on the website (i.e. from your profile page) on Monday 5 September
- Mems on the Android and iOS apps will be fully removed in the following few weeks. We’ll update this thread once that happens.
How can I save my mems and until when?
You can still save your mems until Monday 5 September 2022, with the following method:
- Save them manually (see below). For individual mems, you can visit your Profile > Mems to save or copy them so they won’t be lost.
How to save picture-based memes:
- Go to your Mems page in your Profile
- Right-click on the mem you want to save
- Click 'Save image as…' and confirm
For mems with no picture, you can highlight the item, its translation/definition and the text in the mem and then paste these in a separate file like a spreadsheet or a text document.
⚠️ If you see a different layout and design vs the above screenshot, simply click on your profile icon at the top right > select “Leave Early Access” to go back to the classic experience and be able to access your profile.
How will you replace the benefits of mems?
We’re committed to building a rich, intuitive and effective product that is supported by our pedagogic principles. We are hard at work on a set of new features and experiences that we believe will help you “encode memories richly” as mems were doing. Please stay tuned for more updates in the next few months.
How can I leave feedback on this change?
We’ve been regularly reviewing feedback on the previous thread and across all our channels, and we plan to keep doing that. If you have any questions or comments, please leave them on this thread. As previously confirmed, although this decision is final, please rest assured that we’ll monitor and review all feedback you share with us.