To see the Leaderboards for your group simply click on the Members tab while logged in on web (the Group function is not available on the Memrise Mobile App at the moment).
The first leaderboard (Overall group list) displays the overall points that members earned while learning all the courses in the group. The leaderboard(s) next to the main one display the score in each individual course added to the group: you can scroll all the leaderboards from left to right to see the scores in each specific course.
If you are a teacher using Memrise at school (i.e., you indicated that your group's purpose is to teach your students) you can also click on Stats to see a detailed overview of the learning progress of the members, including the number of words in a student's Long Term Memory, and which words they have trouble learning (Difficult Words).
Leaderboards are useful tools to help you keep track of your members' learning progress in your groups.
Please note: Our weekly Leaderboards reset every Monday at 1 am GMT, so the weekly points will disappear on this day and restart counting. These points are not lost: they are now visible in the monthly and all time Leaderboards.