If you are having trouble accessing your Pro membership after subscribing via App Store/iTunes, please follow these instructions:
- First of all, please ensure you are logged in on Apple App Store with the same Apple ID you used to make the purchase
- In the iOS App, tap the Upgrade button at the top
- Click Restore Purchases just below the available plans
- (⚠️ Don't tap on Subscribe now again! This might activate a new subscription)
ℹ️ Please note: Memrise Pro is not currently set up to support Apple's family sharing. |
If this fails to activate your membership, please submit a request here (please ensure you select the correct category for a faster resolution, i.e. Payments and subscriptions > My Memrise Pro hasn't activated) and send us all of the following information:
- A list of any other email address/usernames you may have used to create a duplicate Memrise account by mistake
- The screenshot of the receipt for the purchase that you have received via email from Apple
- The email address associated with your Apple ID
⚠️ Please provide all of the above information for a faster resolution.